Apple Park – Steve Jobs’ Green Campus Opens
Apple has announced that it will open its campus in early April. Almost 11 years ago, in 2006, Steve Jobs first pitched the idea of building the facility, which spans 175 acres of land. It is powered by 100% renewable energy. Approximately 75 percent of Apple Park’s electricity needs during operation will be provided by […]
Energy (R)evolution: Solar on every roof…
Energy (R)Evolution: Solar on every roof. Why did we decide to adverise with this slogan? Because we would like to get more people interested in solar systems for electricity, to learn about their options and to understand that solar technologies are increasingly possible. These are our arguments for more SOLAR ENERGY: Why Energy Evolution? from fossil […]
InterSolar Europe 2013
From 19-th to June 21, me and two of my colleagues visited the largest exhibition for solar technologies in the world – Intersolar Europe. The exhibition is held every year in June in Munich, Germany and is really HUGE This year, most exhibitors were focusing on the topic of using the produced from photovoltaic modules electrical energy for selfconsumtion, the […]