KACO Powador 6600


Single phase grid inverterс. Used in grid-connected systems. Feed energy into the electricity grid.


·         Producer: KACO New Energy

·         Technology: Transformerless string inverter

·         Max. DC power: 6600 W

·         Max. АC power: 5500 W

·         Efficiency: 96,3 %

Our Powador 3200 to 6600 transformerless single-phase inverters are now equipped with digital controllers so that they can be used internationally. The appropriate country settings can easily be selected on-site; the country-specific settings are stored in the software, so the inverters can be quickly installed in any country. Users can also choose a menu language regardless of the selected country setting.

The maximum PV generator power for which the particular unit is optimized can now be read from the designation. All units operate with a full bridge without a step-up converter. Four IGBT power switches reproduce the sine shaped voltage curve of the public power grid employing pulse width modulation. These are true single-stage, self-commutated units. However, the input voltage must be greater than the peak line voltage for them to be used. The units are equipped with a wide MPP range of 350 V to 600 V. The open circuit voltage is 800 V, which simplifies the work of installers when laying out systems. The same is true for the integrated DC disconnect. Screw terminals make connecting to the grid easy. The units contain a single- or three-phase monitoring system, including an AC/DC-sensitive residual current protector. The units can thus be connected to the grid without any additional measures, even in installations with several inverters.

In addition, the units operate using purely passive noiseless convection cooling. The heat that is lost is, to a great degree, dissipated via the heat sink on the rear of the unit. The rest of the heat is radiated from the surface of the aluminum housing. No fans, no problems, just long service life.

More information in the catalogue..

If you have questions or specific requirement for offer please contact our competent and responsive team 

02 / 488 17 47  |  02 / 444 74 80  
